新萄京娱乐 has strict policies, processes and procedures in place to ensure it maintains best practice union governance.
新萄京娱乐 seeks to be as transparent as possible in all our dealings. Our annual report is best practice within the union movement. Our reporting guidelines are consistent with – and in some cases, in advance of – requirements under the Fair Work Act.
新萄京娱乐是按部门(行业/专业)和分支(地理)划分的. 成员代表被选入我们的理事机构,作为部门和分支机构的代表,以及在国家基础上的联邦办事处.
• merger of the Federal Executive and Federal Management Committee to form a Board.
新萄京娱乐的主要管理机构是联邦委员会,由代表全国各地同事的民选成员组成. They serve two-year terms. Read more about how we work.
在职民选官员的剩余职位在2014-2015两年期选举或任期届满, earlier, if the incumbent left the office.
For more information, read 新萄京娱乐’s registered rules.
A new strategic plan was presented to the Federal Council in early-2016.
年度报告是向会员报告和披露财务和组织事项的关键工具. We continue to aim to make the report as comprehensive as possible. Read previous annual reports here.
新萄京娱乐 is a registered industrial organisation of employees under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and is required to make annual disclosures of remuneration, payments or benefits received by elected officers. Read more, including the latest disclosure report, here.
To ensure our processes are the best possible, 新萄京娱乐正计划将其财务部门的流程与国际标准组织(International Standards Organisation)进行比较. 我们正在考虑如何对这些政策进行道德审查,以确保它们鼓励所有员工和官员的适当行为.
作为流程审查的一部分,我们正在为所有新员工制定新的入职流程. As part of the governance review of our committees, 我们将制定包括支部委员会在内的各委员会的入职程序。. This will include training in our procedures themselves.
我们将继续确保新萄京娱乐有流程,以确保工会资源的使用透明和负责任. 会员有权确信他们缴纳的会费被合理使用.
Like all unions, 新萄京娱乐在澳大利亚法律下运作,该法律规定了发达国家中对工会最严格的监管. The law has a series of requirements about the rules of unions, 确保会员民主控制工会和财务问责制,包括年度独立审计.
新萄京娱乐 seeks to operate within both the letter and the spirit of these laws. 具体来说,我们有一些流程来确保成员对我们的运作方式保持信心.
新萄京娱乐财务在每个财政年度结束后的四个月内进行独立审计. 审计报告在本年度报告中公布,并于每年11月底前提供. mea业务的某些方面- -例如向已收回款项的成员付款- -需要更频繁地进行审计.
To ensure we have the skills to properly manage our finances, our financial controller is a qualified chartered accountant. 我们正在投资培训其他高级财务人员,以确保他们都具备适当的高级会计技能.
Like most similar organisations, 我们使用以特定员工的名义发行的信用卡来支付他们在执行新萄京娱乐职责时必然产生的费用. As an organisation, we will also use these cards to pay various bills, particularly on-line payments that require credit cards. There are many costs we incur that can only conveniently be paid with credit cards.
Each month, 每个持卡人都必须解释他们在卡上的任何费用,并提供适当的文件. 这些费用从适当的预算项目中分配,并由两名高级干事或工作人员批准. No person can be the sole person authorising their own expenditure. All our expenditure is, of course, subject to annual audit. Cards may not be used for personal expenditure or for cash advances.
新萄京娱乐使用第三方承包商提供内部无法提供的一系列服务. These include auditing, legal costs, printing and publishing, technology support, phones and other communication. Significant one-off costs (such as building renovations) are tendered as they arise. 持续的合作关系至少每三到五年进行一次审查,以确定是否应该进行招标. Any decision is based on cost and quality. 承包商与mea的官员和员工之间的利益冲突得以避免,目前的关系中也不存在任何冲突.
我们对供应商的一般政策是每三年审查一次我们的主要外部服务提供商,除非其他事件需要更频繁的审查. 这项检讨由行政长官和财务总监进行,并听取其他有关人员的意见. This review is conducted in November.
As part of that review, we decide whether to continue with current arrangements, to renegotiate or to tender. If we tender, then we will decide based on cost, quality and range of service, quality of the relationship, commitment to our union and industry and ethical and other considerations.
Wages and conditions of most 新萄京娱乐 staff are regulated by the 新萄京娱乐 Staff Agreement.
Wages are adjusted each year by an average of major negotiated agreements. Remuneration for staff members is set when they commence employment, based on an assessment of skills and experience.
An annual review covers salaries, although staff earning up to about $60,000名(包括行政人员)如工作表现令人满意,可获每年加薪. Any rises require the approval of the chief executive.
工作人员的薪金在年度报告中以等级表的形式报告,按年比较薪金. 受聘区域主任的薪金,由行政长官透过绩效检讨程序厘定.
The salary of the chief executive is set by the Board.
We reimburse staff travel expenses at the flat level of $60 per night away from home, unless a staff member is provided with a meal if, for example, he or she is attending an event.